More consoles, more competitors, more content

Hello everyone!

Big updates come in small packages. And this is the case of v1.5.0, which was originally supposed to be an update with minor changes. Well, after a few weeks of work, this update has enriched the content of City Game Stsudio
with several consoles, several competitors, more components to make your consoles and a lot of features for the game engines.

City Game Studio's lifespan extends beyond 2020

As new features are added to the game engines such as augmented reality, or an anti-cheat system and so many others that only appear after 2020. Not to mention the appearance of Teamdock or even Skylight 11

In the last version of City Game Studio it was a more difficult to buy out the competitors, but it was still manageable. However, when you buy all the competitors, Game Of The Year disappears. Thus to fix this, new competitors appear every year. In version 1.4.0, there were only 12 different competitors, so it was quite easy to buy them all, assuming that they would not buy each other. Version 1.5.0 brings 6 new competitors, I hope you like their names.

Other changes

Chinese translations have been improved thanks to MagicSkySword, and French translations have also been improved thanks to Lambda. A new language has appeared, with partial translations : Thai

Let's stop talking about translations. The new version of City Game Studio embeds small subtle changes in the interface, such as animations or fixes.

This new version of City Game Studio is the most stable version so far and the most complete too. As you know, I started to work on a new game, a game that should not see the light of day before a year of work. And during this year I decided to dedicate a few hours a week to add content to City Game Studio. These updates will add new competitors, new consoles , small interface changes to make it more enjoyable.

On that note, I let you enjoy this update,
Happy holidays to all




  • Platforms: Add the Teamdock from Robinet Software (cool textures and noice boss)
  • Platforms: Balance platforms' power (GPU/CPU)
  • Concurrent: Add Epic Fails, Nandai Bamco, Majong, Naughty Cat, Hypersomnia Games and GameHouse
  • Game engine: Add new feature: Advanced motion detection
  • Game engine: Add new feature: Simple motion detection
  • Game engine: Add new feature: Facial recognition
  • Game engine: Add new feature: Simple anti-cheat
  • Game engine: Add new feature: AI-managed anti-cheat
  • Game engine: Add new feature: Cross-platform
  • Game engine: Add new feature: Voice recognition
  • Game engine: Add new feature: Low latency server
  • Game engine: Add new feature: High Definition
  • Game engine: Add new feature: Ultra High Definition
  • Game engine: Add new feature: Augmented reality
  • Game engine: Add new feature: AI-managed difficulty
  • Game engine: Add new feature: Realistic characters
  • Mod maker: Add support for Skylight 11 and Teamdock
  • Mod maker: Add support for Epic Fails and Nandai Bamco
  • Custom platforms: Add new CPU, GPU and memory


  • Game creation: Add a little animation to the Design/Development and Polish steps


  • Improve FR translations (thanks to Lambda)
  • Improve ZH translations (thanks to magicskysword)
  • Add TH translations (incomplete thai translations, thanks to watchakorn)


  • Game update/DLCs: Creation progression bar is not updated
  • Game engine: Creation progression bar is not updated
  • Custom platforms: Creation progression bar is not updated
  • Digital store feature: Creation progression bar is not updated
  • Custom platforms: Sending devkits with no competitors left crashes the game
  • Mod loader: Error when an event id is duplicated

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